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You searched for: Tag: dangerous dreams
    lyubomirb  34, Male, Florida, USA - 44 entries
Aug 2008
1:05 PM EST

dangerous dreams

�������� �� It seems that all my dreams require me to walk across a very narrow path. Last night I saw a dam and I had to cross the river. There was a very narrow tree logs tied together with many chainsaws tied up to them. It may not make much sense but I was getting home after a tire flew off my car and I crashed over the bridge off the freeway. I am always in very dangerous situations but I am not afraid of anything. I am climbing over a river. The logs are shaking and moving from side to side to side. I feel confident in what I am doing and I seem to trust that they won’t break on me.

����������� I am still trying to figure out why am I always in these situations. It’s is not the first time I crashed the car in my dreams and I don’t wake up when it happens. Also it took few hours because I fell asleep at after 6am and woke up before 9. I don’t sleep regularly at all, just time to time when I fall asleep in different places.

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